Can you stack coupons at Koolaburra?
No, you cannot stack coupons at Koolaburra. Only one promo code or coupon can be applied per purchase.
Does Koolaburra have in-store or curbside pickup?
No, Koolaburra does not offer in-store or curbside pickup. All orders are shipped directly to your door.
Does Koolaburra have a rewards program?
No, at this time Koolaburra does not offer a rewards program.
What is Koolaburra's shipping policy?
Koolaburra shipping charges are based on the method of service and the location. To make sure you receive the fewest shipments possible, Koolaburra will do its best to ship everything to you at once. The Koolaburra warehouse is based in the United States and ships Monday through Friday. While Koolaburra makes every attempt to process orders on the day they are placed – only orders that are ordered prior to 11 a.m. PST with next business day shipping will be guaranteed to ship out the same day.
How do I get free shipping at Koolaburra?
Koolaburra offers free shipping on all orders.
What is Koolaburra's return policy?
To be eligible for exchange or return, your product must meet the following criteria:
Be an authentic Koolaburra by UGG product
Be in a new and unused condition
Received from our site or another authorized online retailer within the last 30 days
Purchased at an authorized local retailer within the last 30 days
Be sent back as a complete pair
What sales does Koolaburra have?
Koolaburra runs sales and promotions throughout the year to help you save on luxurious, edgy sheepskin boots and sandals for men and women. Check the Koolaburra coupons page on RetailMeNot to see which promotions are currently active.
Does Koolaburra price match?
No, Koolaburra does not offer a price match guarantee at this time.
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