ChocZero Cash Back,Coupons, Deals & Promotions
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About ChocZero Cash Back
ChocZero Shopping Tips
About ChocZero
ChocZero Free Shipping Policy
ChocZero provides free shipping on orders shipped within the continental U.S. if the total is over $34.99 after discounts. To qualify for free shipping, your order must reach at least $35 after all discounts are applied. If you've entered a discount code, please ensure that your order still meets this requirement. If your order qualifies but you haven't received free shipping, please email for assistance and a refund of your shipping costs. For orders below $34.99, they ship for a flat rate of $5.99.
ChocZero Return Policy
ChocZero stands by its products and ingredients with its ChocZero 100% Happiness return policy. If you can't consume a product due to dietary reasons, melting, or simply not liking it, you're eligible for a refund. They understand that taste preferences vary, and they're committed to refunding you for any bad experiences. To process a refund, your delivery must be within the last 60 days, and you'll need a valid order number from along with a description of the issue.
ChocZero FAQs
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