How can I get Betsey Johnson discounts?
Enter your birthday and email on the Betsey Johnson website to get 20% off your first order. Also, be sure to look through the deals listed on our Betsey Johnson RetailMeNot coupons page for even more ways to save.
Can you stack coupons at Betsey Johnson?
No, Betsey Johnson currently does not participate in coupon stacking. You may only apply one coupon code per order.
Does Betsey Johnson have in-store or curbside pickup?
No, Betsey Johnson does not offer in-store or curbside pickup at this time. All orders placed through are delivered directly to your desired address.
How do I sign up for rewards with Betsey Johnson?
Betsey Johnson doesn’t offer a rewards program. However, you can subscribe to the brand’s email list to receive exclusive offers, promotions, and updates on the latest must-have styles.
What is Betsey Johnson's shipping policy?
Betsey Johnson offers various shipping methods to the U.S. ranging from standard delivery to overnight shipping. For complete shipping details, refer to the Shipping page on the brand’s website.
How do I get free shipping at Betsey Johnson?
Receive free ground shipping from Betsey Johnson on ground orders over $50. It’s also a great idea to watch for free shipping coupons on our Betsey Johnson RetailMeNot coupons page for a chance to save on future orders.
What is Betsey Johnson's return policy?
Betsey Johnson gladly accepts returns of unworn merchandise within 30 days of delivery, except for clearance items. For more information and to start the returns process visit the brand’s Returns page at
What sales does Betsey Johnson have?
Check out the Sales page on the Betsey Johnson website to find out how you can save on must-have pieces at can't-miss prices. Also be sure to check out our Betsey Johnson Retailmenot page to find all the best offers on the brand’s feminine styles.
Does Betsey Johnson price match?
No, Betsey Johnson does not currently offer a price match guarantee.
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